Thursday, January 26, 2017

8 Examples of Bad Typography

Bad typography is everywhere. The worst part is, most people don't even realize it. Or they think it's good typography. I've posted 8 examples below of bad typography, and why they are bad.


This is an obvious one, but I decided to put it up because my friend sent it to me. The spacing is all over the place, the kerning for migraine is too close. The kerning for 'give' is different between each letter. The only kerning that is actually okay is for the word 'and.' There's not even a space between 'How' and 'to'! 


...Kerning. S T  O P - that's what it looks like. This is what it would look like without the bad kerning: STOP. This is just disappointing. You had one job...


I get that they were trying to think creatively. Really, I do. But when your food looks more like a C then it does a G, you have a problem. Also...I wouldn't have done this. Especially with the word Grapefruit. Because like this person, when you replace the G with a picture of a grapefruit that is trying really hard to look like a G...Well, you get this. I read 'Rapefruit' at first, to be honest. Yeah..pretty sure this person received a lot of complaints for this. 

This one actually explains why they typography is bad. "Letters that are too close together confuses the the eye and is jumbly." Don't need the extra 'the'. And why is 'the eye and' a different color green? Is it supposed to be important? If it's not, then leave it the same color as the other words. This kind of irritates my vision trying to read it. 


You know how some fonts look really bad when you type in ALL CAPS? Yeah. This is one of them.






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