Thursday, March 9, 2017

Week 7B

In Class

In class, we were introduced to Our groups can create a website on that site or on WordPress. I also believe you can hand-code your site.

Since my group is not here today, I decided to do a little experimenting on my own.
Before I did this, though, I finished my web exercises and uploaded them to the correct files.


I decided to check out inspiration, to get my creative mind going. 

I chose the Travelwide website. 

Ok, this is cool as hell. Here is a little experimentation from me:

And more:

This is fun and easy. 

Maybe our team will use this? I already like it. Maybe they will too. This is just experimenting, playing around with a new program. It's not a final layout. I am going to discuss that with my group before anything else.

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